I started a new workout program. It's a DVD thing, so I can workout in my room and then jump straight in the shower and maker dinner (although not simultaneously).
In order to have some accountability, and have a place to rant about sore muscles, I've created this section of my blog. So we jump in. (Although, right now, without actual jumping, 'cause, you know, muscle fatigue.)
Day one was the fit test. I did that back in October when I tried to do this program the first time. (It was the week before I started physical therapy, though, so I had to stop.) Since I still have those numbers, and was a good deal sleep deprived yesterday, I'm going to use those numbers as my baseline. I forgot to take my measurements today, so I'll do that tomorrow before I work out.
The program is a 60 (work out) day thing. They say to do the measurements and all to motivate you as you go. Okay. You work six days of the week and rest the seventh. It's intense on the cardio, focusing on on strength in different muscles groups in rotation on different days. The structure is simple: warm up, stretch, set A three times, getting more intense/faster each time, set B three times, etc. Thirty second breaks punctuate the routine for water and bringing down the heart rate (but not standing still, of course). The leader encourages not to sacrifice form, and (especially toward the end) tells different on screen participants to take a break if they're falling out of form.
Day two: wow. I had to modify some things (if it was arms and legs, I usually just did arms, girl pushups, etc) and sit out others, but i feel like I worked through the whole thing. by the end, I was adjusting since there was some definite muscle fatigue going on. But on each time through a set I pushed myself to do more. There were even some things in the last set that I laughed and didn't think I could do that by the third I was trying, and seeing I could do. (Still can't do a full push-up, but I can do horrid things like jogging in the push up position, and "ski abs" which involves going from push up position to having your feet by your left hand, back, feet by right hand, back, etc.) It's good motivation to know that I can keep going and do know my body.
The aftermath: my upper legs are in muscle rebellion. I definitely hit muscle fatigue, would rest/do some other move for awhile, and then hit muscle fatigue again. It feels good to stretch after, although my ankles don't have the balance for all the stretches he does, I have the background to do the stretches that help me. My upper legs felt it first, but the rest of me is settling into tiredness and soreness. My arms, especially, which I didn't notice during the work out, are letting me know that they worked, too. Some homework, more fluids, some sleep, and you'll hear from me again tomorrow.
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