Today's workout seemed to go faster. Compared to yesterday, it was arm-focused. But that's not to say that it didn't work my legs, or that my arms weren't already sore from yesterday.
I have some specific areas of physical discomfort that seem to be related to equipment. I'm going to try various solutions tomorrow, relating to how I tie my shoes and what not to help in the different issues.
I was super sore today, especially in my legs, like yesterday, but with some soreness in my arms. Right now, it's in my arms and back. There was one exercise today, a tricept thing, where I did one, and then couldn't even do once more.
I'm actually looking forward to when these routines come back up in the schedule to see the progression. Yesterday's comes up again on Saturday, so we'll see soon.
I'm doing quite well at the hydration part, and am going to try putting some protein powder in my oatmeal. I think I'm going to have oatmeal either for latenight snack, or breakfast, depending on at which point I get hungry again. The meal plan that comes with the dvds recommends five smaller meals throughout the day. I like the idea of that, but the practicality is rough. Eating every three hours is tough when class lasts for three hours. (Although I did have cinnamon bread with cinnamon walnut butter for snack in the middle of my morning class today...) I'm going to try also using sparkpeople to keep track of intake/output. The program's material points out (strongly) that this isn't a program to diet during, but that with attention to eating, weight loss can happen. (Or maintenance... they have the math for you to figure out both.)
It's interesting that my legs and arms (and back a bit) are sore, but my core isn't, although the instructor talks about the core a lot. I'm not sure if it's just that my abs are stronger to begin with, or that I'm not tightening them as often as I'm supposed to. Again, I'll keep working and trying and seeing.
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